Some weeks are 'too' bad. Radiant Grace!

Some weeks are 'too' bad. Radiant Grace!

This week, I paused our regular communications to honor a profound person in our lives—the passing of my beloved 101-year-old grandmother, Gigi. Many in the world, including my family and I, are experiencing deep loss and sadness. Still, Grace, finds ways to re-source our life, embodying and extending us beyond grief’s grip. The legacy of light we strive for in our world is never far. We are in it, not of it—if that resonates with you, please read on.

This isn't going to work...

This isn't going to work...

Two ~ Deep ~ Breaths

“How do you encourage people to engage for more than a momentary effort, especially when faced with severe anxiety and stress?

After just 5 minutes or even just two deep breaths do you hear “this isn’t going to work”?

- CASAC, NYATCP Conference Attendee

This question strikes at the heart of what’s emerging beyond societal expectations. Do you ever feel you’ve been conditioned to measure “success” by duration and effort?