Hi! I’m Kristin Onderdonk.

Perhaps like you, oh how I have longed to be here and also thrive. We know what living an out-of-sync life feels like. I also happen to know proven ways to help shift our reality to where we are feeling calmer, more confident, and far more energized than ever. Thriving is entirely possible. Here’s a bit of my story and where Enjoy Chi and STOP & FLOW began.

In 2018, I was brought into Crouse Chemical Addiction Treatment Services Center in Syracuse, NY, under a grant to support pre and postpartum women in recovery. My 20+ years working as a C.P.A. in public accounting combined with expertise and passion for helping people improve the systems they live in quickly inspired me to create STOP & FLOW. From the start, we collected data proving the techniques not only worked the results could be sustainable and duplicated. 

I continue to lead clients in and outside of addiction recovery and also train others to facilitate my proprietary STOP & FLOW process. Together we have helped thousands thrive and transcend their circumstances.

I am an approved trainer with ASAP-NYS and OASAS as well. I’m a functional movement coach, author, motivational keynote speaker, and intuitive healer. I love supporting leaders to access funds for professional development and we are in the process of getting STOP & FLOW approved as an evidence-based treatment. I have also worked in School Districts training and empowering staff to live beyond the broken systems modeling and motivating students to do so as well.

I am passionate about eliminating the stigma and bias around trauma, divorce, addiction, and mental health. Our family identifies as a family in long-term recovery who would not settle for surviving. I live in Syracuse, NY with my husband, our five children, and dog, Crew.

If you or your organization are looking to combat compassion fatigue, overcome burnout, and live a more energized and calm life lets plan your STOP & FLOW training today.

I am also the author of STOP & FLOW; 8 Steps to Recharge Your Life available here. I champion well-being. Explore products I’ve carefully curated for us to share. I am a mother, a wife, and a leader in our world, advocating, expanding, and improving daily.

“Together we are more! Together we are everything!” is my life mantra and mission.

xo, Kristin