He asked. The answer is yes!

We ~ Can ~ Do Anything!

My friends, we are questioning and making moves on behalf of life, together!

A subscriber recently brought up a crucial question in addiction recovery:

Our patients experience so much cross energy that builds off one another, leading to comments like…

When this person does _______ I can’t _______.

It/they…make me _______.

Kristin, do you have any tools that help patients detach from the energy around them and find peace amidst triggering, irritating circumstances?

YES, in a recent men's recovery group session, the STOP & FLOW process directly helped to overcome these issues.

Amidst tension and conflicts within the treatment facility, which had escalated dramatically, we witnessed a transformative shift during STOP & FLOW.

Despite a moment of noisy expression through song and dance by one individual, the group remained deeply engaged in our Tai Chi moving meditation, showcasing profound detachment and focus.

This expression, which could have been highly distracting, underscored their ability to detach from surrounding disturbances and maintain peace—an exact response to your query.

This scenario is a striking example of our collective power to direct attention toward our desired outcomes, embodying the essence of STOP & FLOW.

Life’s about more than just navigating through "unchangeable circumstances". It/they will always be doing “this and that”. Transforming our internal landscape to feel safe, secure, and connected, regardless of external chaos is an inside job.

Tai Chi, a core element of STOP & FLOW, illuminates this inner peace and transformation often. It aids in building calm, balance, and focus, fostering an environment where coherent and cohesive energy flourishes.

STOP & FLOW not only empowers us with tools to disconnect from the disruptive energies and behaviors of others but also grants us immediate access to our own energy.

This access enables us to navigate our actions and pathways to personal well-being and resilience.

Brave questions like this, help everyone learn. Keep the questions flowing and cheers to finding so many new solutions together.

In calm connection,

Kristin Onderdonk

Owner Enjoy Chi | Creator STOP & FLOW | Author | Speaker | Coach

This Week's Connect to Calm Tip: Bubble it up and get sorted!

Bring your arms together at your heart as if you were putting a big bubble around yourself. Inhale as you draw your hands apart. Exhale as you bring them right back to your heart.

Wrap that beautiful bubble around yourself repeatedly this week.

Think about something calm (river, stream, ocean)… as you do so.

Imagine that bubble functioning as a powerful force field, vitally alive with each breath, expanding and protecting your calm at all costs!

Say aloud, “I am held in calm connection. I am never not connected to higher power. I am connected to anything and everything, now and forever.” Sigh it out!

4 More Ways to Connect:

  1. Sign up for S&F Level 1 Stress Relief - Live or On-demand

  2. Get info for your organization Free Discovery Call

  3. Read STOP & FLOW; 8 Steps to Recharge Your Life as a team.

  4. Work with Kristin privately and for your conference events.

I’d love to hear from you!

Thanks for your steadfast desire to help others. Keep the great questions flowing! What are you marveling at this week?

Drop me a comment. I’d love to support you and your teams.

#stopandflow #enjoychi #calminconnection #beyondrecovery

P.S. All that “cross energy” is full of Vital Chi.