
This isn't going to work...

This isn't going to work...

Two ~ Deep ~ Breaths

“How do you encourage people to engage for more than a momentary effort, especially when faced with severe anxiety and stress?

After just 5 minutes or even just two deep breaths do you hear “this isn’t going to work”?

- CASAC, NYATCP Conference Attendee

This question strikes at the heart of what’s emerging beyond societal expectations. Do you ever feel you’ve been conditioned to measure “success” by duration and effort?

He asked. The answer is yes!

He asked. The answer is yes!

We ~ Can ~ Do Anything!

My friends, we are questioning and making moves on behalf of life, together!

A subscriber recently brought up a crucial question in addiction recovery:

Our patients experience so much cross energy that builds off one another, leading to comments like…

When this person does _______ I can’t _______.

It/they…make me _______.

Kristin, do you have any tools that help patients detach from the energy around them and find peace amidst triggering, irritating circumstances?

Newsworthy School Nurse

Newsworthy School Nurse


A school nurse and student get beyond a challenging time together.

In the spirit of leading with love and compassion, let's dive right into a touching story shared by one of my dedicated STOP & FLOW facilitators, who works full-time as a school nurse. This past week, she witnessed firsthand the transformative power of STOP & FLOW in a moment of unexpected distress.

I cried a tsunami yesterday!

I cried a tsunami yesterday!

While resolutions tend to be hard to keep, desire is daily rocket fuel for our everyday life. I have to be transparent, I cried a tsunami yesterday. I was finding it very hard to not be at the effect of some really emotional conversations and life circumstances. This was not how I wanted my new year to begin.

How are you feeling this first week of the new year? How do you want to feel from here? Thanks for checking in and leaving your a word or two in the comments.

I really appreciate you taking the time to Connect to Calm with me. If I can ever be of support please reach out and I'd love to connect. Be well. Onwards 2024! #stopandflow #addictionrecovery #supportivecommunity #wellbeingtips